A predictor model that predicts the outcome of a speech based on each sentence. The model outputs whether a given sentence would produce an applause or a neutral/negative reaction, considering cases such as those that involve humor and sarcasm in the sentences.
Exploratory Data Analysis on the posts/comments on desired 4chan channels (Technology, Television, Literature, Cooking) and generate insights on the data.
Various marine applications deal with underwater imagery, and most of the images obtained are not clear, due to the diffusion of light in ocean water. A CNN based model with Residual Net was developed to remove the diffused light from the images, i.e to remove the water from the images, and thereby, have a clearer image on which object detection can be performed.
At times, while interacting with an AI assistant, a depressed/unhappy user might just want to be heard and be emphathized. Reflection Chatbot is a NLP based chatbot application that provides empathetic responses to the user's input.